Module AnimatedRe-BsReactNative.Interpolation

Allows mapping input ranges of an Animated value to different output ranges. By default, it will extrapolate the curve beyond the ranges given, but you can also have it clamp the output value.

It uses lineal interpolation by default but also supports Easing functions.

type t = value(calculated);
type extrapolate =
| Extend
| Clamp
| Identity
let interpolate: value('a) => inputRange:list(float) => outputRange:[< `float(list(float)) | `string(list(string)) ] => ?⁠easing:BsReactNative.Easing.t => ?⁠extrapolate:extrapolate => ?⁠extrapolateLeft:extrapolate => ?⁠extrapolateRight:extrapolate => unit => t;